
Spritesheet into Model Part 3

In this tutorial we continue the series on how to create an OpenBOR Model from scratch with a spritesheet. Moreover, this video starts ups off downloading the Soldier spritesheet, prepping it, extracting the frames and building the initial animations for the new model through OpenBORStats. We did because during out development for Ogre’s Mayhem’s latest patch, we learned a lot. For…
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Spritesheet into Model Part 2

Spritesheet into Model Part 1


Spritesheet into Model Part 2

In this tutorial we continue the series on how to create an OpenBOR Model from scratch with a spritesheet. Moreover, this video starts ups off downloading the Soldier spritesheet, prepping it, extracting the frames and building the initial animations for the new model through OpenBORStats. We did because during out development for Ogre’s Mayhem’s latest patch, we learned a lot. For example, we…
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Spritesheet into Model Part 3

Spritesheet into Model Part 1


Spritesheet into Model Part 1

In this tutorial we start a series on how to create an OpenBOR Model from scratch with a spritesheet. Moreover, this video starts ups off downloading the Soldier spritesheet, prepping it, extracting the frames and building the initial animations for the new model through OpenBORStats. We did because during out development for Ogre’s Mayhem’s latest patch, we learned a lot. For example…
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Spritesheet into Model Part 3

Spritesheet into Model Part 2


Displaying Video in OpenBOR

OpenBOR is a very extensive game engine with so much potential. It offers so many features that touch every faucet of learning game and software development, and we at Digital Brilliance Hour use this engine in our Coding Curriculum to teach the fundamentals of Coding and Software Development. Our focus is on build our underprivileged youth with this information to be better prepared in this tech…
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Spritesheet into Model Part 3

Spritesheet into Model Part 2


OpenBOR Beginner's Tutorial

We decided to take all the OpenBOR related material from our workshops and give it away for free on YouTube. Playlist for the Beginner’s Course is below: OpenBOR Beginner Tutorial Playlist OpenBOR is a very extensive game engine with so much potential. It offers so many features that touch every faucet of learning game and software development, and we at Digital Brilliance Hour use…
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Spritesheet into Model Part 3

Spritesheet into Model Part 2


Thank you AmitDabydeen!

Youtuber AmitDabydeen dug the game and decided to record his own playthrough for the latest Ogre’s Mayhem 0.9.2 release. He really gave some great feedback along with a lot of other people who want to see the development for this game continue. It’s all thanks to the students who came up with this idea in the first place and it seems to be shaping hold into something they didn’t…
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Spritesheet into Model Part 3

Spritesheet into Model Part 2