
Displaying Video in OpenBOR

OpenBOR is a very extensive game engine with so much potential. It offers so many features that touch every faucet of learning game and software development, and we at Digital Brilliance Hour use this engine in our Coding Curriculum to teach the fundamentals of Coding and Software Development. Our focus is on build our underprivileged youth with this information to be better prepared in this tech world.

Since we’ve been using this we decided to also sift out the tutorials needed for someone who’s really just starting out to learn OpenBOR and go beyond. Definitely to be an additional asset for ChronoCrash and DC.

This is a series that takes digitized frames and creates an OpenBOR model out of them. This process can be applied to any model creation where the frames have already been created in advance. Maybe one day I’ll do a tutorial of how to create the digitized frames. Links to tools are provided below.

Download XMedia Recode: https://www.xmedia-recode.de/en/

What is WEBM? https://www.lifewire.com/webm-file-4143323

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