
DBH Partners with Durham Tech for Fall 2024 Workshop

We’re thrilled to announce that Digital Brilliance Hour (DBH) has partnered with Durham Tech to…

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2D Free Game Engines for Beginners 2021

Game Engines are definitely always a hot topic for people wanting to get into game development. While the market is more into 3D, we feel like knowing 2D give you in a better position to fully understand 3D. So, we tried to do a little of the research for you to give you a list of 2D Game Engines that are totally free! And just because they are free doesn’t mean that they don’t compete…
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Cancellation of Spring 2023 Workshop for Digital Brilliance Hour

Dear Digital Brilliance Hour Community, We regret to inform you that due to unforeseen emergencies, our Spring 2023 workshop has been canceled. We…

Memory Loss Released!

Full Game The students in the Fall 2019 class successfully planned out and completed their game for the Workshop. This was DBH’s first time…

Ogre's Mayhem 0.9.2 Released!

Version 0.9.2 Released This past workshop, the students were able to great a GREAT patch for our Ogre’s Mayhem game. They literally rewrote…
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2D Free Game Engines for Beginners 2021

Game Engines are definitely always a hot topic for people wanting to get into game development. While the market is more into 3D, we feel…

Cancellation of Spring 2023 Workshop for Digital Brilliance Hour

Dear Digital Brilliance Hour Community, We regret to inform you that due to unforeseen emergencies, our Spring 2023 workshop has been…

Memory Loss Released!

Full Game The students in the Fall 2019 class successfully planned out and completed their game for the Workshop. This was DBH’s…

Ogre's Mayhem 0.9.2 Released!

Version 0.9.2 Released This past workshop, the students were able to great a GREAT patch for our Ogre’s Mayhem game. They…

New album and game releases of GameOver EP and Ogre’s Mayhem update!

Fall 2022 Workshop has been completed with the new album and game releases! After 11 weeks, the students who took part in the Fall 2022…

Spritesheet into Model Part 3

In this tutorial we continue the series on how to create an OpenBOR Model from scratch with a spritesheet. Moreover, this video starts ups…