
New album and game releases of KickFlip and Ogre's Mayhem update!

Spring 2022 Workshop has been completed with new album and game releases! After 12 weeks, the students who took part in the Spring 2022 Workshop have released the culmination of their hard work by sharing their new album and game releases! They put a lot of work into these projects, added this work experience to their portfolios, and it shows! Their products, “KickFlip LP” and…
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Own the Game: DBH Takes STEAM to the Next Level at Science for All Summit 2025!

Get Paid to Learn and Grow This Summer with Durham YouthWorks!


Fall 2021 Workshop Complete!

After 12 weeks, the students who took part in the Fall 2021 Workshop have released the culmination of their hard work! They put a lot of work into these projects, added this work experience to their portfolios, and it shows! With our largest virtual class and virtual party attendance size to date this is definitely a huge milestone. We had a class size of 16, our usual limit being 10, and release…
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Own the Game: DBH Takes STEAM to the Next Level at Science for All Summit 2025!

Get Paid to Learn and Grow This Summer with Durham YouthWorks!

OpenBOR Beginner's Tutorial

Thank you AmitDabydeen!

OpenBOR Beginner's Tutorial

Thank you AmitDabydeen!

OpenBOR Beginner's Tutorial

Thank you AmitDabydeen!

OpenBOR Beginner's Tutorial

Thank you AmitDabydeen!